Looking for a place to keep up to date with the daily happenings at Westwood Collegiate, look no further. This blog is dedicated to our daily announcements as generated by the office.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

library is closed this morning until 11am


senior shirts   you can order them tuesday at lunch in front of the office.


tutors    there will be a meeting thursday at lunch in the office for all students who acted as tutors this year.


drive   meeting monday at lunch in room 219.


exam schedule   pick one up in the office or view online.  conflicts to mr. valentim.


WSU   Students who have Peer Support training and any students who wish to be a member of next year's WSU group need to attend a mandatory meeting in the art room at lunch on Thursday, June 9th. Please bring your lunch.


convocation comments   the deadline is past due but there are still a lot of grads who haven’t handed their comments in. pick up a blank form from the office.


safe grad   parents of Grade 12 students are asked for a donation, either monetary or prizes, for the silent auction at safe grad. donations can be dropped off in our school office, preferably by june 15th


dancescapes    it takes place june 12 at 7:30 pm at mtyp at the forks. sold out!


assignments   the last date to hand in assignments is june 10.


community service hours   Grade 12 students applying for awards and scholarships are reminded to submit their community involvement activity log forms.  Students need 40 hours logged to qualify for a St. James-Assiniboia Diploma.  Log forms are available in the office and, when signed by supervisor, can be returned to the office.


girls rugby   playoff game wednesday at 4:45.


beach volleyball   There will be a beach volleyball practice Wednesday & Thursday at 3:30.

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